Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Top 5 Tools for Fat Loss

March is quickly approaching. That means spring is on its way. Before you know it, it's June and you quickly realize your goal of "getting ripped for summer" might not be realized. Don't fear though because it IS still February so you've got plenty of time to shed that bodyfat. Long steady-state cardio on a treadmill is NOT your best option. Plus, it's really boring and who wants to suffer through boring shit for hours a week just to not get the results they're looking for? Not me and hopefully not you. With that in mind, here are my Top 5 Tools for Fat Loss:

1. The Prowler -- This conditioning tool has long been popular with powerlifters and top level strength coaches, and I remember it being used on that show The Biggest Loser. It's brutal and it'll kick-start your fat loss like nothing else. Push it low, push it high, push it for time, push it for distance. It doesn't matter how ya do it, 'cause it's gonna kick your ass no matter what.

2. Barbell Complexes -- Barbell complexes involve loading a barbell with a certain weight(most athletes should start with 95lbs and can go heavier depending on strength levels and conditioning)and doing a few exercises for a few reps each without putting the bar down. Example:

A. Romanian Deadlift x 6
B. Bent-over Row x 6
C. Hang Clean x 6
D. Front Squat x 6
E. Push Press x 6

Cycle through all exercises without putting the bar down, rest between 30 sec and 1 min(depending on conditioning level), and repeat 5 or 6 more times. Don't be surprised if you vomit. Oh, by the way, the Prowler also makes alot of people vomit, but throwing up is not the goal of this and should never be the goal of any strength and conditioning program.

3. Kettlebell Complexes -- Just like with a barbell, the kettlebells should not be put down until all exercises have been completed. The difference here is that you could use one KB at a time or 2. There's no right or wrong way, so definitely mix it up. Example(one KB):

A. Snatch x 10/side
B. Clean&Press x 10/side
C. High Pull x 6/side
D. Swing x 15

Repeat this 5 times. Just make sure you've got some chalk on your hands because a hand tear is nothing to laugh about (trust me, it friggin hurts!).

4. Circuits -- Unlike complexes, circuit training involves more than one training tool. For instance, a good circuit could include the Prowler, a barbell, and kettlebells. The possibilities are endless. The key is to move from one exercise to the next with as little rest as possible until all exercises are complete. Then repeat for a certain number of sets or a certain length of time. Bodyweight circuits are an excellent way to improve athleticism and jumpstart fat loss, and can be done anywhere. Example:

A. Medicine Ball Wall Throws x 10
B. Med Ball Slams x 10
C. Squat Jumps x 10
D. Lunge Jumps x 5/side
E. Jump Rope x 50 as fast as possible

Repeat this for as many rounds in 15 minutes as possible. Each time you do it, try to get more rounds.

5. Jump Rope -- The good old fashioned jump rope is still one of the best conditioning and fat loss tools around. You can jump at a constant pace for time, or for reps. Or, you could do intervals of very fast jumps followed by slower jumping. Example:

50 reps as fast as possible followed by 100 reps at a slower pace. Repeat till you get to >1000 reps.

These 5 tools are crazy effective. I know because I have used each one of these protocols personally with great success. Hundreds if not thousands of people have used these tools to achieve their fat loss goals. Just remember that you cannot out-train a bad diet. For fat loss, diet is key. I'll touch on the dieting aspect of fat loss in a future article. Now get out there and get conditioned.

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