Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Take Action

Have you ever wanted something? It could be anything, a car, a nice house, a hot spouse, even better health. No matter what it is you want or how bad you want it, it's not just going to fall into your lap. In order to achieve your goal or get what you want, you must TAKE ACTION. It's not enough to wish real hard.

Alot of people never take that first step in the right direction. They say the first step is hardest of all, and they're right. By nature humans do not like change. If things are easy and you're used to the way things are, why would you want to shake anything up? BUT! life is all about change, adaptation, and new experiences. Too many people are too scared to make a change. Nobody can see the future so they're scared of what might happen. When it comes to fitness, people might be scared that things will be too tough. You can't be scared. You have to embrace the uncertainty and love the difficulty presented. If you do, you'll learn alot about yourself and what you are actually capable of accomplishing. Don't be afraid to rock the boat, because that's what makes the ride exciting!

There are some people out there who will never take action. For them it's always "tomorrow" or "next week" or "January 1st." Guess what, those are just arbitrary days that you use to rationalize your lack of action. Basically, you just have to jump in the pool without knowing the temperature. Don't live your life with a bunch of "what ifs..." TAKE ACTION! Just do it! Say Fuck It and don't even look back. Chances are, even if you don't accomplish your goals, you'll sleep better knowing that you took a chance, that you weren't just riding the wave of life, that you were paddling like crazy to get past that stupid wave.

For some people taking action might mean asking their boss for a raise. For others it might be starting a business even though you're not sure if you'll make it. For others it might be hiring a coach and making yourself accountable to someone. No matter what it is, the time for taking action is NOW. Don't wait because life is short and you gotta live it on your terms. So I challenge you today to go out there and take a chance. Stop listening to the voice in your head or the people around you and just go after something you want. Stay STRONG and take ACTION!

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