Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hump Day

It's Wednesday, right in the middle of the work week. It's a good day to do a little reflecting on how the week has gone so far and where you want the rest of the week to go. Let's start with goals. Do you have goals set for this week? Maybe you have goals set for each day. Maybe you have monthly goals, or yearly goals. Have you set any goals at all?

If you answered "no" then you can't wonder why you're not going anywhere. You need to aim for something. It could be fitness goals, or goals for your personal relationships, or business goals. It could be anything, but you need to know what you want in order to ever get it. The best way to go about this is by physically writing down your goal(s). You can keep your goal(s) private, but you want to make sure you'll be able to see it written down at any time, so keeping a list in your wallet may not be a bad idea. A trick I use is every night I write down a list of things I need to accomplish the next day. These things could be as simple as "cook chicken" or "class @ 10:55." They're just reminders of things I need to do. Goals (whether daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly) should be written down the same way so that you never forget about doing things that will lead you one step closer to achievement.

Unfortunately it's not enough to just write down your goal and expect to achieve it. You need to have a feasible plan that will get you there. For instance, if your goal is to bench press 350lbs, but your current press is 150lbs and you have no plan or timetable for getting to 350, it's going to be very very very hard to achieve this. Little goals can add up to bigger goals, but like I said, there needs to be a plan of action that can begin immediately. If your goal is to get a job making 100k per year, but you don't have a plan of getting there, do you think it's just going to fall into your lap? Maybe it will for some, but that's an incredibly small percentage. Goals could require plans that take years, but the point is to get your plan together and start taking steps in the right direction. Sitting around hoping and wishing something happens for you just isn't going to work.

So the two questions you have to ask yourself are:

What do you want? What are you willing to do for it?

Get out there and get things going!

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