Friday, April 2, 2010

A Conditioning/Fat Loss Vid

I hope this first Friday in April finds everybody doing well. Hopefully you're all making great progress towards whatever goals you've set for yourself, whether its weekly, monthly, or yearly goals. Another quick post today. I'll be hitting up a Strongman Seminar tomorrow up at CrossFit Relentless in West Hartford, CT and I'm sure I'll get tons of great knowledge to bring back and share with everyone. Remember when I posted sample fat loss workouts and said I've used them all personally? Well here's a video shot probably 2 months or so ago of me cranking one of them at full speed. It was brutal but awesome and deadly effective. Enjoy:

It's supposed to be beautiful this weekend so get outside and do some barefoot training in the sun. It's always good to get back to our roots and train like our ancestors. (it's also a good idea to eat the way they did, but that's for another time). Take care and have a fun, active weekend!

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